Friday, September 11, 2009

CanWest Recapitalization Plan

Would like to thank the many Investors that bought CanWest Stock to liberate Canada's newspapers, these CanWest shareholders deserve respect, and should not have their shares taken away
[Canada owes a debt of graditude to CanWest shareholders that bought CanWest shares to protect Canada. Not fair to take away their shares, and leave newspapers in the hands of currupt news reporting. Make or break moment for Canada.]

Keys: all debts converted to a 5% interest rate. For this half of the shares of CanWest will be distriputed amoung the debters. All debts in foreign currencies turned into Canadian dollars, no longer. No more multi voting shares.

Bank line of credit not affected, banks will provide line of credit if agreement meet.

Must include the 13.5% loan issued in 08 and first interest payment due ?2012. If this loan stands at 13.5% bodes bad for the new company and bad for Canada. If Chapter 11 then 13.5% loan is unsecure and will walk with dimes on the dollar, therefore good deal.

Fractal shareholder, bondholder recapitalization
[Changing how Chapter 11 public companies are disbanded.]
Economic concept. Types of recapitalizations on handling debt. Long time shareholders and bondholders could have used a better recapitalization structure, preserving an ownership percentage to the old shareholders, so shares never just stop. Increases intrisic value of stock market as a whole to do this.

Better for bondholders too, for example junk bonds and unsecure bonds with some shares and a better leverage position for the company can get their capital back and earn some return.

What is not wanted is a recapitalized CanWest, were the shareholders end up with nothing. The new shareholders that own it all are only a small group of CanWest debtors. The rest of the debt stands, so CanWest continues to be high interest debt ridden.

Making a better newspaper
Use online comments to provide a balanced approach to story telling. Misses issues cited on the web go into paper. Stop the new story censorship kickbacks. Costing Canada trillions. Baises political reporting got to stop. Increases Companies position on the web, and strengthens newspapers.

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