Friday, September 4, 2009

CanWest equity contribution for multi voting shares not citied in recent CanWest Annual Reports

Does not GAAP obligate public company financial reporting to differentiate the equity contributions of its various share types. It is deceptive accounting that CanWest equity contributions from its milti voting shares is not cited in recent CanWest Annual Reports.

CanWest's Annual Report 1999, on Sedar, lists the equity contribution for the 78 million multi voting shares at $3.2 million. The equity contribution of one vote shares is listed at $378 million in 1999.

The financial documents state that the multi voting shares are convertable into one vote shares at any time at the holders discrestion.

Irony, final receivership agreement multi voting shares will be converted into one vote shares as last act as multi voting shares, to receive same equity rights. Multi voiting shares used to control Canada's media.

Note equity rights not the same. Common shares have intrinic extra rights over multi voting shares.

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