Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stop raising the bridge for boat traffic?

Blue Horses only an earthquake problem when up
Mayor Fortin is congratulated for getting the brainstorming process about a decision on the Blue Bridge going. Wish the City had consulted before chopping down the Apple Tree.

Host of issues. Point Hope Shipyards relocating, and wants to unload very expensive condos, and benefits/needs a luxury yachts marine then. Budget Steel Car Shredder also moving. [Docksite Green maintains Point Hope Shipyards is history; Hence the name Dock Side.] Dockside Green/and Greater Victoria benefit with the road improvement of Bridge side Esquimalt Rd bridge side to Tyee rd of a flat straight road, zero grade road to gas station, time pressures. as Dockside Green site next to road, soon built to the existing road grade.

Better economics to save the Blue Bridge, and fund the Victoria Train Station. The importance of keeping the rail line final point in downtown is of economic necessity to Victorians and merchants. Fits in perfectly with keeping the Blue Bridge and no longer raising it.

Besides, behind the Blue Bridge are two more bridges that don't raise to boats, so is the harbour/pond past the Blue Bridge really that vital? Strategically of no importance, as Esquimalt has the main harbour. "Es-whoy-malth" meaning "place of gradually shoaling water." Better management of the Victoria harbour's resources would have the power boats moor beyond the Blue Bridge, and sail boats get the Empress.

Until Point Hope Shipyards closes, the Blue Bridge is fine to be raised for their business only, especially on their rare special big orders. The gravel/ cement business can use tugs with smaller antennas to tug their gravel.

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