Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shaw buying part of Shaw's Canwest buyin investment, with each Canwest share purchased on the Stock Exchange

Shaw should both buy 50 percent of Canwest stock from Canwest treasury, and also be buying stock to increase this ownership percentage
For example, a Shaw buyin of 200 million 50% buyin, then Canwest's old shares represent 50 percent of the new float; translates that for every percent of old CGS Canwest's shares, that Shaw is lucky to buy; Shaw recieves back 1 million. Note asper's shares so total 170 million shares 1.7 mililion shares to buy one percent. [Shaw also owns more of the rent Shaw owes Canwest Atlantis TV corp.]

It's good business and reduces Shaw's Canwest buyin costs, as every Canwest Cgs share bought, Shaw is also buying part of Shaw's 50 percent buyin costs.

For example if Shaw bought all the common shares and multi voting shares (not for sale), reduces acquistion costs, to the costs of buying only the orignial Canwest shares.

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