Thursday, December 10, 2009

Zeppelin fuel tankers flying hydrogen around - a key service - for hydrogen producers to supply the marketplace

**********Ho, ho, ho. Retooling, power stroke, the counter weight swings down is the power stroke. Multiplier effect: counter weight, and the water weight can be combined. Water transfer to top of counter weight to increase power stroke, after same water transfer down and moves counter weight back up. Allows combines several counter weight motions at same time.

Cycle: water flows from counter weight down to lift counter weight (seconds), when counter weight lifted, water flows then to top the next counter weight (seconds). The economics of smaller economies of scale, that less pounds increase a water transfer. (so when say 4000 pounds of water could have 10 smaller counter weight displacers moving this allow 5 to 10 second cycle. Smaller can have 1 to 2 second cycle.

Pulsar weigh measure: for 5000 pound water & 3000 pound counter weight in a 15 second cycle -- combine 20 couner weights in a stairchase -- every minute 4 times 8000 pounds times a row 20 counter weights equals = pulsar weight of 640,000 pounds a minute.

**********Ha, ha. Process retool again pratically work. Using small pipes dropping, inefficient and complex. Easier to have attached bike rims swinging. [A full turn can not happen with attached bike rims, but more than half swing can have rims attaching together. Rope from this turning structure, can move swing arms that pull rip cords, or compress air. Bonous is no axel is needed, as the axel is several bike rims. Issue of the water leaving troff, and harvesting that energy too -- possible to power pumps that repump some of the water to be used again.

##Salt water, fresh gradient and raising fresh water to drop weight, is and example of a above grade, of this process.

Why more efficient than dams. Dams use pipes, only use part of river. Using large troffs, all weight used.

Key reworking of how hydro dams work
Industry's troffs fall into troffs falling into troughs. Ten troff motor, and each troff moves 4000 pounds. Every 30 seconds times times 10 is 80000 pound force every minute. North America and the world had massive amount untapped potential here. New oil.

500 pound water troff, and produce considerable pull force, more than a human. Industry can have several thousand pound troffs working in unison. ***************

Inventions and their economic synergies, the invention of the tip-over ditch buoy, the new oil
[Retooled. Ditch buoy tilting up and down, too many parts, conceptial picture, eaiser to have a long pipe that when empty is balance level by a counter weight. A straw can enter the pipe through the swing end for water flow. Model can be tested through the flow of a stream dam, and gaining the complete flow of the stream, in weights that swings.]

workhorse of remote coastal salt water, fresh water hydro electricity production for electrolysis, using gradient power, instead of osmosis to create electricity
[ Buoys in ditches that tip-over when fresh water is pushed up hill, by a salt water gradient, into pipes that are extended out from buoys, tip. When water runs out, buoy flips-up again.] Aka, weight of water forced up a siphon hose to tip over a flouting buoy, when buoy tips water flows out, and buoy returns to stand up position. [Not a true siphon hose as no siphon, not pulled. The water is pushed up by the gradient different of salt water and fresh water. Pushes fresh water up hill into columns that uses the weight of the displaced water to flop buoy. Linear energy.
[Salt water on land provided by the searaiser pump, ocean hydrolic ram.]

[Also have exiting water running out the buoy pipe can be harnessed.] Simple design that is well suited for creating electricity for electrolysis of hydrogen.

Can use the venture affect to speed of filling the buoy, can synchronize several buoy bounces in unision. The filling of the pipe is like filling a piston. When full piston moves in downward force. If can control injection, have timing, and therefore run parallel energy systems. Water power timing and combining of force is a key to this invention, allows the multiple of force. Weight transfer, mechanical transfer very good. Alternatives, magnets or hooks that hold until a certain weight than swings. Orchastraded.

Whereas a traditional hydro dam using a small amount of water to create force (weight) by elevation and speed; the army of buoys combined moving, displace more weight per second. A buoy can move as much water as a small dam does a second, but of course the dams water is at a hundred times the force or more; add in hundred buoy tipping forces in unison, the combined tipping weights in a parallel system, and equals a massive source of electrical power. Moving a huge induction motor with several small ripcords.

[Definition of pulse energy is stockpiled force, every few seconds, a large weight is displaced; whereas turbine continuel energy. Example of pulse energy water pendulem lifting ten pounds up and down every two seconds, 300 pounds a minute, 18000 pounds an hour. Add 12 of these units and are lifting quarter million pounds of pulse energy an hour.]

[Note, water cushions water, as water wanders down hill, retaining and passing force on. (Another way to describe the effect: length of the vertical acceleration line increases when water chusions water and vertical forces are redirected horizontially.) (Another way to say it, is that swirls of pressure from water has weight, create up drafts in water, increase then the flow down.] [As water rubs the ground, more matter interaction, affecting energy) Longer flow through the magnetic field increases transfor of energy. Energy never created or destroyed; more energy here is that is took more space, time to tap the energy; a dam is fast, only used small amount of space time, for the work deliveried. Therefore the distance down hill kinetically for water, is greater if water does not take a direct line. Pulse energy hydro the future of North America's clean energy economy.]

Buoy salt water, fresh water, way more envirnomental friendly then salt, fresh water osmosis
************Concern with osmosis of fresh water and salt water, and the environmental impacts of altering how fresh water reunites with the ocean. Alternative to salt water, fresh water osmosis. Can use a gradient. Raise fresh water up a hose, more green.

*************The sea raisers, hydrolic ram sea water pumps, pumping water from raising and falling of sea waves onto land, is a small version of the type of pump industry will use. Industry sea raisers, better termed saltwater waterfalls.

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