Thursday, December 10, 2009

CanWest shareholders and debt holders, counter sue Goldmand Saches

The Judge has a duty of corrective action, Goldman Sachs part of fraud in CanWest bankruptcy
Goldman Sachs acquisition of Canadian Alantis Corporation, and the sale? loan? to CanWest shareholders of Alantis subsidiary TV network is a design to keep control of Canada's TV network. Deal not disclosed properly to CanWest Shareholders.

Basic example, a debt ridden company, wanting to rip off both shareholders and their debtholders, would agree to buy something from a loyal entity -- Goldman Saches. CanWest controllers and Goldman Sachs the same faith. Sell off important assets into this (all CanWest's TV stations sold at their rate of return, not their asset value, is fraud when disclosed as it was.) And claim debt. Note the Goldman Saches deal siphoen of CanWest extra cash. [Canada is under attack here, the facts are Golman Saches is interfering in Canada's disclousure network. Intent.

Goldman Saches recieved special control of over Canada's new disclosure network.

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