Friday, June 12, 2009

Hot water electric generator, perpetual energy machine

Turning hot water into gold
Huge source of cheap electricity is hot water heated by the sun, creating air flows, spinning micro electric turbines. Micro steam engines.

Two equations: amount of electricity generator without using any created electricity, to power up machine's efficiencies. And, amount of electricity produced by redirecting electricity back into spinning turbines, and moving baffle gates, and heating water at certain key temperature points to increase evaporation etc.

Whereas solar panels must be manufactured, and therefore costly to produce a few square feet to interact with the sun. Hot water, solar heating electrity recovery can be the size of several football fields, obtaining more of the sun's rays.

This invention in desert regions, where the temperature can rise to over 50 degrees, will spin out electricity fast. Possible to raise Africa out of poverty with small scale, sustainable hot water electric generators. Providing a cheap source of electricity to dessert regions. Empowering.

As the World heats, this machine produces more electricity. Creating electricity without creating CO2. Texas to be covering in hot water electricity farms soon.

[Issue of perpetual motion. Yes this is not perpetual motion, the continual source of energy is a result of the massive amount of solar energy that engages the large volume of water over a land mass. In a closed system, where the water evoporates and returns as water to evaporate again, system keeps spinning the micro genorator steam engines forever, continual energy, without adding energy, expect for Sun's solar energy of course.]

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