Friday, May 29, 2009

Goldman Sachs should note the CanWest has placed it's CHEK Victoria TV station for sale

Goldman Sachs needs this icon for Atlantis
Goldman Sachs runs the numbers on the CRTC creating a significant new revenue source for Canada's local TV Channels.

CanWest's TV network is larger compared to Atlantis's TV network. An equal price of 1.5 billion for CanWest's Canadian TV and HD network, is a good deal for Atlantis. Rather than CGS shareholders holding more equity in Atlantis; Atlantis would own CanWest's Canadian TV network, by assuming 1.5 billion in debt from CanWest.

The CRTC has made statements that support there be payments for using Canadian TV signals. New revenue can pay down debts. In the long term, the value of Goldman Sach's Atlantis investment would be 2 billion, and CanWest's at 1 billion.

Reuters news release, vai Yahoo finance news release CGS.TO -- "Canada TV regulator still cool to fee-for-carriage"

"Konrad von Finckenstein, the head of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, told a parliamentary committee on Monday the commission is prepared to "seek to provide revenue support for conventional television.""

"Von Finckenstein said conventional broadcasters could get C$235 million ($210 million) a year if they were paid for signals from their local stations. If they were paid for all the signals carried, even in markets where they don't have local programming, they would receive C$600 million."

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