Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama School of Economics -- Progress and the full measure of happyness

Work in Progress
The President-Elect has been entrusted to save the World. This is possible with the correct economic policy on key issues.

The Obama School of Economics's philosophy is the idea that the betterment of our Great Society, must embrace fundimental human rights. Advancement over stagnation. It is through correct application that the World can perserver. Progress can find guidance in modern economics, and its approach on fundimental issues of our time offering hope.

Obama's report card and legacy. His ability to forward these key issues in the United States: like the decriminailization of drugs in small amounts; the modernization into universal health care delivery structures; the advancement of audit systems for Banks, and on Wall St; moving forth the notion of paying off the Federal Debt, by limiting debt at a constant, and using the interest that would have gone to service the debt, to in fact, to shrink the debt; the merits of limited protectism to advance free markets and reducing climate change; the trumpt card is tackling Global Warming, and supporting the carbon tax.

Case in point. Huge, opportunity for World here. President Obama is visiting Capital of Canada, and will be told that the Canadian positon is for tradable Carbon caps. Watch out for this President Obama, the Canadian position for a cap and trade green house credits model, is bad economics. Inefficient compared to the carbon tax. Caps do not produce revenue to fund alternatives, the carbon tax does.

Debate is for an instant tax (cap and trade), that is sold and then the holders of these caps can make CO2, the rest of us can not. Or an annual tax on carbon emmissions that allows production, but has a strong limiting force in the pocket book. Plane emmissions tax for example.

Irony, Gordon Campbell, Premier in BC, started a carbon tax [whole other story] and the NDP are for a cap and trade model, and against the Carbon tax. Massive international reothoric lobbying for a Carbon Cap-and-Trade model.

Key problems with Cap-and-trade model: losing the right to production if no cap credits. Supports inefficient industry. Whereas, the carbon tax protects the domestic freemarket's right to produce.

Key misinformation on the cap-and-trade model is that there is no carbon tax then. In a cap and trade model, there is still a carbon tax to those without cap credits, to still provide for production. The cost to buy-out cap-and-trade will be expensive in time.

Key political balling handling for Obama is to have a national referdeum on the climate change. Votes count. Supporters, that the World's Climate and Oceans are a key measure of our happyness, will vote for the carbon tax. Referedum will stir faith. Question One, asking if there should be a charge on greenhouse pollution. Second question, asking between a carbon tax and the cap and trade. Vote and decide. Lobby groups trying to convince the mainstream, on the value of carbon caps and trade credits, trying to access hundreds of billions in carbon credits for nothing. [Carbon caps are putting the envirnment.]

The world of democracy is something that evolves. Huge responsibility has been given the President Elect to guide the World into prosperity. Keep the Faith.

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