Friday, February 20, 2009

Canada supports North Americian protectionism

Canadian interests do support the US's Buy America stimulas package
But, the newspapers, in many respects, sets the agenda and tone of published public debate. Newspaper editorials are determined by special interests, domestic and foreign.

[Interesting news, Radio program said today, CWG [CanWest Global Communications] controller of Canada's newspapers would be seeking bankrupcy protection shortly; its 3.9billion debt, buy-out debt borrowed (scammed) to control Canada's main newspapers.]

Canada newspaper content determines public debate. Here is a sample of forwarding their version on Canada's economic interests on interational free trade. Far from the truth. Canada endorse the United States to buy American. As the United States biggest trading parnter, it is a concern when Canada's newspapers are run by a special lobby that is anti protectionism, when in fact Canada embraces Obama's limitied protectionist approach.

[Internet news story, Yahoo]
"OTTAWA, (AFP) - US President Barack Obama rejected protectionist trade policies during a careful trip to Canada, on his debut foray abroad since his inauguration last month.

Obama, welcomed by crowds of cheering Canadians, downplayed a controversial "Buy American" clause in his huge economic stimulus plan, which raised fears in Canada and Europe of an anti-free trade backlash in the United States.

"I provided Prime Minister Harper an assurance that I want to grow trade and not contract it," Obama said, against a backdrop of Stars and Stripes and red and white Maple Leaf flags on Parliament Hill.

The clause originally said infrastructure projects designed to kick-start the economy could only use US-made materials but was later watered down to comply with US treaty obligations.

Harper appeared satisfied, but warned barriers to free trade could slow the global economic recovery. "We expect the United States to adhere to its international obligations," he said. "I have every expectation, based on what the president's told me and what he said publicly many times in the past, that the United States will do just that."

But Harper added: "if we pursue stimulus packages, the goal of which is only to benefit ourselves ... we will deepen the world recession, not solve it.""
[Canada supports stimulus packages, Lord Harper.]


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