Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Political reform in the first world


It is requested please that the reasons for judgment for petition 09-1067 be entered into the BC Supreme Court decision database.

The Appeal Court has produced a copy of the decision. It is stamped original.

The merits to disclose the decision are it is of public interest and is of fundamental importance to electoral reform. This was the first time in the history of Canada that the Court was granted jurisdiction to advance the cause of electoral reform.

The charter challenge was directed at the impugned Regulation 29(4)'s censorship restricting all topics in a private citizens’ electoral reform advertising message, for a quarter of year, leading up to the single transferable vote referendum, to advance our Democracy. The AG's offer to settle on a S.2b freedom of speech breach demonstrates the civil rights infraction was significant.

The petition's writ sought only a Charter Section 3 voter rights declaration though. The writ's failure to request a S.2b of the Charter freedom of speech declaration – serves as an example to others to not make the same mistake.

The petition filed during the referendum, waited too long to file for a petition hearing. It is hoped that the reasons for judgment made public will help others avoid the same mistake when advocating for their cause to make the world a better place.

Thank you for your consideration to enter the reasons for judgment into the pubic record.







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