Monday, October 1, 2012

Johnny Ah MacDonalds endorses Obama for President

President Obama inspires ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can for your Country
Order 1:  To declare British Columbia’s Democracy Founding Vote infringed the petitioner`s Charter Three Guaranteed Rights -- by the Impugned Electoral Reform Referendum 2009 Act Regulations Section 29.4 (Referendum advertising must not, directly or indirectly, (a) promote a registered political party or the election of a candidate or (b) form part of election advertising,).

Order 2:  To declare British Columbia’s  General  Election infringed the petitioner`s Charter Three Guaranteed Rights -- by the Impugned Electoral Reform Referendum 2009 Act Regulations Section 29.4: (Referendum advertising must not, directly or indirectly, (a) promote a registered political party or the election of a candidate or (b) form part of election advertising,).  The impugned regulation infringed the petitioners Charter 3 right to the guarantee of effective representation.
Political reform advertisers for all practical purposes were barred from the newspapers and on TV etc. – the exception to the rule was that we were allow unlimited access to running simplistic advertising limited to saying vote yes or no for STV.   BC Elections has indicated that election advertisers were banned from mentioning which candidates supported STV directly or indirectly for just the May 09 General Election because of Electoral Reform Regulation 29.4. The Province is to produce an affidavit from BC Elections.

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