Saturday, February 27, 2010

CanWest shareholders "should directly" sell Canadian Newspaper IPOCanWest shareholders reject debt holders offer to give the Canadian newspapers to a

CanWest shareholders "should directly" sell Canadian Newspaper IPOCanWest shareholders reject debt holders offer to give the Canadian newspapers to a group for them to sell an newspaper IPO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 950million offer a joke for 100 percent of a debt free newspaper. CanWest shareholders sold the 25% of the newspapers into a trust for nearly 500 million, and placed 2 billion-plus debt attached to trust recently before;Obvious the deal for Canada benefits, with CanWest shareholder selling IPO into a debt free newspaper: covenant not to attach debt to newspapers; with capital of 200 million; and a fair matrix to disclose and expand economic transparency.Too often IPOs have been blatantly unfair to the new investors that will buy whatever, on the expectation that the nation's securities commission is looking into their best interest. Modernization of Canada. Fair IPOs. Stock market backs a fair CanWest IPONumbers. Teachers offer 500 million for 25 percent. IPO small shareholders the same. Two hundred million stays with newspaper balance sheet. Translates 800 million for CanWest and its debtors. CanWest still holds 50. And can sell later. Can sell No debt on newspaper balance sheet, covenant. And coverage will be fairer; newspapers make a profit so in era will return funds. Huge opportunity for newspaper to enter internet can compete, growth.Best deal for CanWest shareholders is for CanWest to keep the newspapers, and sell their own IPO. Recently Canwest sold 25 percent for nearly 500 million, and shuffled in more than 2 billion in debt. Not acceptable that CanWest now selling newspaper for 1 to 1.5 billionwith zero debt attached to the Canadian newspapers.

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