Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potential buyers for Canada's newspaper assets include: the Ontario Teachers' Pension said Dominion Bond rating service

Call for the Modernization of how Canada picks its Prime Minister: anti pro rogue government
Call for the two main federal Canadian government parties -- the Liberals and the Conservatives -- for their sitting party MPs to choose and elect both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Party politics should not subjugate party MPs dreams and ways for a strong Canada. A sincere Federal Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, protesting the proroguing of Parliament, can lead and ask fellow Liberal MPs to elect the standing Leader of the the Official Opposition. Historic opportunity. New and old parliamentry democracy tradition. Canada's founder, the United Kingdom parliamentary system decides who is the British Prime Minister in this fashion.

Bond rating service philosophy and advice on best bond rating service possible: is allowing information to flow. Real nuts and bolts of real bond rating work actually done by individual investors engaging material; and therefore, investors knowledge is the economy in a sense. Canada needs fair newspaper comment, aka a modern disclosure network in Canada's newspapers. Economics based on the communication of economic information. Marvelous way for retired Teachers to give back and share their knowledge. Whether Canada is poor or rich directly dependent on Canada having a fair newspaper information disclosure matrix.

Opportunity given, stock market guardians, to protect Canada's interests and nation's wealth, by modernizing Canada's newspapers by selling the newspaper IPO as a debt free newspaper chain. Joke that Canada federal deficit this year, one week of deficit of minus billion, equal to purchase the Canada's flagship newspapers, the main source of Canada's facts and figures.

Globe and Mail quote, "Potential buyers for the newspaper assets include other media and financial firms, said Chris Diceman, a senior vice-president at Dominion Bond Rating Service.
They could include media companies Torstar Corp., Rogers Communications Inc., CTVglobemedia and Quebecor Inc. Interest may also come from insurance giant Fairfax Financial Holdings Inc., conglomerate Onex Corp. and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan."

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