Thursday, November 12, 2009

the effect: banks trading loans caused world financial collapse (had to move bank of cleareance credits around)

the cause: small amount of paper currency compared to the size of amount of money out there, the bank multiplier economy, and the trading of these bank-multiplier-units internationally, without a developed international bank-of-clearance clearing system
The golden age of advanced bank auditing. Recognition that our countries' bank of clearances can work together to create a new very, very profitable relationship, restoring earth security; based on advanced monetary theory adjusting the balance of payments system.

Currently, when a company sells abroad, the seller's domestic banks immediately recognize in that country the sale proceeds. The accounting of the buyer (importer) paying the seller (exporter) with buyer's local bank of clearance credits, is part of the equations of the world financial collapse.

For G20 consideration. The buyer does not directly pay the seller. Alternative modern economics monetary policy. The sellers countries' bank of clearance deposits in the sellers account that amounts in that nation's bank. [Currency sales are handled different way. Small nation national security concerns have protections for massive influx. Aggregate supply curve has less currency to buy, so increases currencies real worth, reduces distorition in currency prices. **** There is only as much currency as the domestic bank of clearance wants to sell. *****The art of the audit.]

The balancing act is that it works out the same -- and solves the greatest riddle in monetary economics of how paper currencies with only a small amount of actual paper currency out there, can be managed to orchestrate a nation's balance of payments.


[The balance of payment measure is an artificial conception to measure trade. Important as the balance of payments intercept, when balanced, matches the size of a nation's aggregate supply curve to total supply used. FACT. An inbalance does not mean this money is owed, rather that the seller has lots of buyer domestic bank of clearance credits. The nation owing does not actually owe, as it's people bought with actual cash, so there was not trade imbalance. Ownership in the buyers domestic bank of clearance credits. This how the current system works.]

[Wheres in the advance international trade, monetary theory, the seller has no buyer domestic credits . The sell gets credits in their own domestic bank of clearance (the seller can get buyer domestic credtis termed currency trade..) and the buyer's international bank of clearance removes those credits.] [Ironic the max economy is protectionist, as if a nation sells and sells, without balancing its balance of payments, it is the seller, not the buyer that is a fool.]

[Highlights the business multiplier effect, and how hope and prosperity from belief in selling credits creates economy. [Dollar store and selling goods at above the cost of the resources, and not the labour cost, dumping.] Aggregate demand curve, and supply curve. A modern free market needs the security of the m4 world and needs governments that can borrow from the 0 percent discount matrix. Audacity of hope creates the size of the aggregate supply curve.

keys issues: define the credit crunch in Latvia, and how people borrowed in euros (borrowing from another nation's bank of clearance) and with the Latvia currency decline, and how certain euro banks lost and how Latvia lost / debt burden. How modern monetary theory and strengthening Latvia domestic bank of clearance systems could have averted crisis.

what is a long term trade imbalance. New rules mean that the seller is more labile for over selling. The buyer is less labile.

True currency values. International trade and sellers obtaining buyer domestic bank of clearance credits distorts currency values. Wheres sellers obtaining bank of clearance credits from the own nation's bank of clearance, does not distort buyer nation's bank of clearance.

China on board. Economic theory based on specific earth advancements and stages in advancing money supply theory to increase the benefits earth. China has huge issues with pollution and global warming, China requires like the rest of us the increased benefits of a new internation bank of clearance system.

Canadian banks have huge opportunity to help build up smaller nations domestic bank of clearances and help the world's governments access the government borrowing zero percent matrix.

[first draft}

extra small nations push for bank reform through developing 0% government borrowing matrixs.

[Many smaller nations like Greece and Iceland only hope is the m4 money supply, and the zero percent government borrowing matrix. The smaller nations are demanding M4 money supply standard. Advice to G7, accept the 0% government borrowing matrix. ]

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