Thursday, October 8, 2009

What do you think CanWest shareholders, an obvious lye, right Hap.

Ontario Securities Commission probes the sale of Canada's newspapers

Thank you for your telephone inquiry to the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) concerning the alleged sale by Canwest Global Communications Corp. (Canwest) of its newspapers to Paul Godfrey. Your objection focussed on the low price of the sale and that Canwest did not solicit any other competing offers. However, we note that there is not yet an announcement from Canwest of any sale of its newspapers, and according to media reports Canwest spokesman John Douglas has specifically denied the existence of the sale you are complaining about.

As a shareholder, you may wish to contact Canwest's Director of Investor Relations, Hugh Harley, to verify if any deal exists. He can be reached by email at, or by telephone at (204) 956-2025.

If you do have further regulatory concerns or complaints about Canwest, you may contact the Manitoba Securities Commission, the principal regulator of Canwest. They can be reached by e-mail at or by telephone at (204) 945-0330.

Lead Inquiries Officer
Ontario Securities Commission "

"However, we note that there is not yet an announcement from Canwest of any sale of its newspapers, and according to media reports Canwest spokesman John Douglas has specifically denied the existence of the sale you are complaining about." [???]

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