Friday, May 29, 2009

Goldman Sachs should note the CanWest has placed it's CHEK Victoria TV station for sale

Goldman Sachs needs this icon for Atlantis
Goldman Sachs runs the numbers on the CRTC creating a significant new revenue source for Canada's local TV Channels.

CanWest's TV network is larger compared to Atlantis's TV network. An equal price of 1.5 billion for CanWest's Canadian TV and HD network, is a good deal for Atlantis. Rather than CGS shareholders holding more equity in Atlantis; Atlantis would own CanWest's Canadian TV network, by assuming 1.5 billion in debt from CanWest.

The CRTC has made statements that support there be payments for using Canadian TV signals. New revenue can pay down debts. In the long term, the value of Goldman Sach's Atlantis investment would be 2 billion, and CanWest's at 1 billion.

Reuters news release, vai Yahoo finance news release CGS.TO -- "Canada TV regulator still cool to fee-for-carriage"

"Konrad von Finckenstein, the head of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, told a parliamentary committee on Monday the commission is prepared to "seek to provide revenue support for conventional television.""

"Von Finckenstein said conventional broadcasters could get C$235 million ($210 million) a year if they were paid for signals from their local stations. If they were paid for all the signals carried, even in markets where they don't have local programming, they would receive C$600 million."

Friday, May 15, 2009

CanWest's 10 vote shares need to be turned into 1 vote common shares

Note this allows both CGS shareholders and CGS debt holders to make a fortune when the Canadian dollar increases and goes to par and beyond.

CGS debt holders need to be served that CGS one vote shareholders are in fact CanWest's equity owners, ahead of the 10 vote shares. In all negotiations CGS one vote shares, and CGS small shareholders, deserve a place at the table.

Stock market equity counts one vote shares equity, before ten vote shares. It does matter and noted that, in past balance sheets shareholder equity contributed from one vote shares trumps the ten vote shares.

Public companies like this that have high interest rate debt, can exchange shares valued at a before-crash-share-value to pay down interest. CanWest has various debts that the interest rates can be reduced to 5 per cent, and pay the extra interest with shares valued at 5 dollars. Share-interest arrangement only works a normal common share public company structure, meaning 10 vote share structure is not acceptable and must stop. Fair and honest newspapers have supporters.

Asper value when CGS shares valued at 5 dollars is half a billion. This arrangement can make CGS.TO shares worth 10 dollars in a new generation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

On the eve of the most important political referendum in Canadian History

[Sadly poll was right STV only recieved 39% of vote]
Wrong to print in CGS's Sat/May9 Times Colonist -- three days to the May 12 referendum/election -- that the no side has a 55 per cent lead. The yes side requires super majority of 60 per cent to win. Yes side has the majority, fact. Odd, that the article's picture, is the NDP Leader, looking at a chalk board of polls with the reverse poll numbers.

Quote. “A poll by Angus Reid Strategies releases yesterday shows 55 per cent support for retaining the existing firs-past-the-post system[.]” “The rise in awareness seems to have lowered the chances of BC-STV being implemented in the next election,” the pollster says.” For the record the newspaper should support advancements in Democracy.

Ironic, Polling firm Angus Reid has another poll saying yes STV side has 65 per cent majority only a little before.

Needed to run
Challenge CanWest newspaper monopoly to post any newspaper article that cites the STV referendum gag law.

Had to gazette, but did not. CanWest British Columbia newspapers had to publish at least once the Referendum gag laws S.29.4a&b banning referendum advertising from naming or supporting a political party or candidate. Also bans STV from election advertisng.

Unacceptable that the newspapers [a patch work of message boards and reporters] did a good job about editorializing on Briish Columbia's election gag law, Bill 42; but never associated this, or mentioned the STV referendum gag law. This ban on the STV freedom of speech needs a champion. CGS shareholders and readers do not profit this, why the kickback.

British Columbia newspaper monopoly is CGS shareholders' crown jewel, respect it.

STV Referendum Gag Law