Thursday, March 5, 2009

British Columiba's credit rating down graded

This statement breaks the Law -- "Don't vote for the BC Liberals, and vote yes on STV"
Very concerned with BC politicians abusing the Law to crack down on political criticism. Interferes with modernizing the Bank of Canada -- there will be no granting of special powers to the Federal and Provincial Governments to borrow from the M4 money supply -- the zero percent interest matrix -- if during elections, the freedom to issue political commentary is restricted.

British Columbia provincial politicians have passed Bill 42, and the Referendum Act. Both place severe restrictions on the freedom of expression. Bill 42, nick named the gag law, limits the amount citizens can spend on election advertising. The Referendum Act bans out-right specific polictical comment when advocating changing BC's voting structure. STV Referendum is a vote to change how politicians are elected in BC -- named STV, single transferable vote.

Electoral Reform Referendum 2009 Act Regulation
"Section 29(4) Rerendum advertising must not, directly or indirectly,
(a)promote or oppose a registered political party or the election of a candidate, or
(b)form part of election advertising."

Sinister to pass into Law that when voting to change the provincial election process, it is illegal to issue public comment on STV, when combined with specfic political comment. Please appreciate Bill 42 has redefined the definition of election advertising as any means that comments on a position a candidate. Too broad.

Several problems with Act. Does not limit candidates right to combine STV (election reform) and political issues, which is right (candidates were restricted in the first reading of Act, but was changed) Creates novel problem, if one transmits what a candidate says (combining STV, and issues in BC politics), that is not allowed. It is illegal to repeat what a candidate says if a candidate combines the two. What?